Stevo Popovic1, Dobrislav Vujovic1

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Report of the 9th International Scientific Conference on Transformation Processes in Sport “Sports Performance”

Izvještaj sa 9. Međunarodne naučne konferencije o transformacijskim procesima u sportu "Sportska dostignuća"

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2012, 1(1), 27-29


The article discusses the highlights of the 9th International Scientific Conference on Transformation Processes in Sport "Sports Performance", which was held in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. The event comprised three sessions, namely Top Level Performance, Theory and Practice in the School Sports, and Science of Various Sports Disciplines. One of the opening speeches was given by professor Sanja Vlahovic, Minister of Science in Montenegro.


SPORTS -- Congresses, CONFERENCES & conventions, VLAHOVIC, Sanja, SCHOOL sports -- Congresses

Abstract (MNE)

U članku se raspravlja o 9. Međunarodnom naučnom skupu o transformacijskim procesima u sportu "Sportska dostignuća", koji je održan u Herceg Novom, Crna Gora. Manifestacija se sastojala od tri sesije, prije svega performanse vrhunskog sporta, teorija i praksa u školskom sportu, kao i nauka u različitim sportskim disciplinama. Jedan od uvodnih govora je pripao profesorki Sanji Vlahović, ministrici nauke u Crnoj Gori.

Keywords (MNE)

SPORT -- kongresi, konferencije i konvencije, Vlahović Sanja, školski sport -- kongresi

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