Dario Novak1,2, Arunas Emeljanovas3, Brigita Mieziene3, Branislav Antala4, Lovro Stefan1, Ichiro Kawachi5

1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia
2Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia
3Lithuanian Sports University, Faculty of Sports Education, Kaunas, Lithuania
4Comenius University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Bratislava, Slovakia
5Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USA

Is Social Capital Associated with Academic Achievement in Lithuanian High-school Students? A Population-based Study

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2018, 7(2), 29-35 | DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.180905


The present study aims to determine the associations between family, neighbourhood, and school social capital with academic achievement among Lithuanian high-school students. The study included 1854 high-school students (901 males and 953 females) aged 16-18 years. At the end of the school year, the students’ achievements were measured as an average grade. Family, neighbourhood, and school social capital were identified, indicating trust and understanding perceived from those social settings. Gender, body-mass index, self-perceived socioeconomic status, self-rated health, psychological distress and physical activity were also measured and used as covariates. Academic achievement was associated with family social capital, horizontal school trust and reciprocity at school. Family support, cooperation, and trust between students positively affect their achievement. Policies and strategies for a healthy environment for children need to be incorporated, especially within the school system for students’ better progress.


social capital, adolescents, academic success, multiple regression analyses

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